Bono : Some people build fences to keep people out ....
and other people build fences to keep people in .
Rose wants to hold on to you all .
She loves you .
Bono 再次暗示 Troy
Rose 很愛家人 ,
有些人蓋籬笆把人隔離在屋外 ,
有些人卻是把人圍在屋裡 ,
Rose 屬於後者。
Troy 把 Bono 的提醒記在心上 ,
等待適當時機跟 Rose 坦承自己的外遇 ....
Rose : I done tried to be everything a wife should be .
Been married eighteen years and
I got to live to see the day you tell me
you been seeing another woman
and done fathered a child by her .
Rose 震驚地質問 Troy 她已經盡力作一位妻子的角色 ,
18 年的婚姻卻換來丈夫即將和另一個女人生小孩的結果 ....
Troy : It's just ... She gives me a different idea ...
a different understanding about myself .
I can step out of this house
and get away from the pressures and problems ...
I can just be a part of myself that I ain't never been .
Troy 急著跟她解釋
那個女人讓他看到完全不同的自己 ,
跟她在一起 , 他可以開懷地笑 ,
他可以暫時遠離這個家的壓力和煩惱 ,
他還用棒球來形容自己的心情 ,
有了家庭、工作和酒 ,
他有一個穩定而安全的人生 ,
就像在球場上拿到兩好球一樣 ,
但是他總在想堅守18年的婚姻後 ,
Troy : A man couldn't ask for no woman
to be a better wife than you've been .
I'm responsible for it .
I done locked myself into a pattern
trying to take of you all
that I forgot about myself .
Troy 說他再也找不到像 Rose 那樣好的妻子 ,
一切都是他的責任 ~
他把自己鎖在一個全心全意照顧她的角色模式後 ,
Rose : ... I gave eighteen years of my life to
stand in the same spot with you .
Don't you think I had dreams and hopes ?
But I held on to you , Troy .
I planted myself inside you and waited to bloom .
Rose 覺得他太自私 ,
因為18年來她一直都在他身旁支持著 ,
難道他以為她沒有想過自己想過的生活嗎 ?
難道他以為她沒有自己的夢想嗎 ?
她把自己奉獻給這個家並且等待能開花結果 ,
不到18年她就知道這塊土地又硬又多岩石 ,
但是她依舊把他視為最重要的 ,
兩人的溝通無法達到共識 ,
心碎的 Rose 只好到教會尋求宗教的慰藉 ....
兩人冷戰數月後 ,
為了商討弟弟 Gabriel 的脫序行為 ,
兩人才又開始交談 ,
但這時卻接到醫院傳來外遇女子難產而死的消息 ....
Troy : ... Mr.Death . See now ...
I'm gonna take and build me fence
around what belongs to me .
And then I want you to stay on the other side .
You stay over there until you're ready for me .
Troy 年輕時曾歷經過頻死事故 ,
這次他又感覺死神再度接近他 ,
他悲傷而憤恨地跟死神挑釁 ,
要死神待在他的圍籬之外 ,
直到時候到了再來敲門 ,
Troy 從醫院抱回女嬰 ,
懇求 Rose 能幫忙撫養他無辜的女兒 ,
Rose : A motherless child has got a hard time .
From right now ....
this child got a mother .
But you a womanless man .
Rose 看著小女嬰 ,
起了憐憫之心 ,
決定接納她 ,
但是無法原諒 Troy。
Troy 在酒吧和 Bono 久別重逢 ,
自從 Troy 爭取到垃圾車司機的職位 ,
調到別的社區服務後 ,
兩人便很少交集 ,
也許是 Bono 不忍面對那對不再恩愛的好友吧 ...
有點落寞的 Troy ,
喝得半醉地坐在後院的階梯上唱歌 ,
和正要進屋裡的 Cory 起了衝突。
Troy : You just gonna walk over top
of me in my own house ?
Cory : I ain't scared of you .
Troy : ... You ain't gonna say excuse me ?
Cory : I ain't got to say excuse me to you .
You don't count here no more .
Troy 不讓想跨過他的兒子進" 他的 " 房子 ,
堅持要他先禮貌性地說 " 借過 " ,
Cory 因為之前看到父母吵架的衝突畫面 ,
加上父親的外遇 ,
對他一直很不諒解 ,
青少年就叛逆地頂撞父親說我不怕你 ,
Cory : You talking about what you did for me ...
What'd you ever give me ?
Troy : Them feet and bones!
That pumping heart , nigger!
I give you more than
anybody else is gonna give you .
Cory : You ain't never done nothing but hold me back .
Afraid I was gonna be better than you .
被激怒的父親罵兒子翅膀長硬了 ,
忘了17年來他是如何擔心他 ,
不知道他的出生、長大一切都是父親給予的 ,
說他既然已經是男人了 ,
就應該離開去擁有自己的房子 ,
被父親擋住當足球校隊之路的 Cory ,
則憤怒說他只會扯他後腿 ,
發生劇烈肢體衝突的父子倆 ,
最後兒子被趕出家門 ,
就像 Troy 年少的時候一樣的命運 ....
萬念俱灰的 Troy 向死神吶喊 ~~~
我已經沒有任何感覺了 ,
我準備好了 ,
祢想來就來吧 !
數年之後 ,
老家聚集了Rose、Bono、Lyons 和小女兒 Raynell ,
這天是 Troy 的葬禮 ....
當 Rose 看到穿著海軍下士制服的 Cory 出現在門口 ,
喜極而泣地擁抱成熟英挺的兒子 ,
Bono 說 Cory 像極他剛認識年輕 Troy 的模樣 ...
Cory : I can't drag Papa with me everywhere I go .
One time in my life I've got to say no .
... The whole time I was growing up ...
Papa was like a shadow
that followed you everywhere .
... Everywhere I looked ,
Troy Maxson was staring back at me ...
I'm just saying I've got to find a way
to get rid of that shadow , Mama .
Cory 跟母親表明不想去參加葬禮 ,
從小到大隨時隨地 ,
父親總是像個陰影般在背後瞪著他 ,
Rose : You just like him .
You got him in you good .
Cory : I don't want to be Troy Maxson .
I want to be me .
母親不准他缺席葬禮 ,
她說~ 你遺傳了你父親的優點。
Cory 說~ 我不想成為 Troy ,
Rose : ... That shadow wasn't nothing
but you growing into yourself .
You either got to grow into it
or cut it down to fit you .
But that's all you got to make life with .
That's all you got to measure yourself against
that world out there .
那陰影只是他成長的一部分 ,
不管是要放在心裡或是要切割掉 ,
他的人生都必須勇敢承受 ,
Rose : ... Your daddy wanted you to be
everything he wasn't ...
and the same time he tried to make you
into everything he was .
I don't know if he was right or wrong ...
but I do know he meant to do more good
than he mean to do harm .
Rose 又說 ~
你的父親希望你不要像他 ,
我不知道他這樣是正確或錯誤 ,
做父親的不一定永遠是對的 ,
有時他令人感動 ,
Rose : ...I didn't know to keep up his strength
I had to give up little pieces of mine .
I took on his life as mine
and mixed up the pieces so that
you couldn't hardly tell which was which anymore .
她說她嫁給 Troy 後 ,
把丈夫視為最重要的 ,
也許是她犯下的第一個錯誤 ,
她沒有留下一點空間給自己 .....
但是 Troy 給了她一個可以在裡頭歌唱的家 ,
這是她的選擇 ,
她選擇融入他的生活中 ,
Rose : By the time Raynell came into the house ,
me and your daddy had done
lost touch with one another .
... I took on to Raynell like
she was all them babies I had wanted and never had .
當你的小妹妹來到這裡時 ,
我和你的父親正形同陌路 ,
但是我接受 Raynell ,
Rose : Like I'd been blessed to
relive a part of my life .
And if the Lord see fit to
keep up my strength ...
I'm gonna do her just like
your daddy did you ...
因此我已經重生新生活 ,
如果這是上帝為了讓我維持力量的安置 ,
我願意為 Raynell 做任何事 ,
就像你父親為你做的 ....
劇中有些情節或多或少有著我成長過程的影子 ,
讀完猶如進行一次心靈療癒 ,
很感動那位母親的智慧 ,
August Wilson 世逝於2005年 ,
紐約一座劇院特別更名為 August Wilson Theatre 以玆紀念 ,
他的劇作都是描述20世紀非裔美國人的生活 ,
他曾說如果要拍成電影 ,
只會交給他信任的非裔導演 ,
Viola Davis 得獎時也感謝他寫的故事 ,